Tag Archives: presidential nominee

Reaction to Obama’s acceptance speech

WARNING: This is a political statement, not a business post.  I am an independent, and free-thinker.  I don’t associate with any political party, but tonight, I felt the crescendo that could serve as a pivotal call to action in America’s centuries-old battle to live up to its ideals and its potential.

For the first time in my nearly-38 years as an American, I feel freshness in the air.  Even beyond what past Democratic presidents have promised, attempted to deliver, or insisted on changing, Obama brought the most qualified background ever, in terms of representing the broadest swath of America’s diversity, and promised to address our internal challenges and international woes in ways that embrace the expansive and unique makeup of the United States.  Coupled with his civil rights speech, he has made the most important statements in my lifetime about the potential for a unified and well-served American citizenry.


I feel fresh air cresting over the molten rhetoric that has mired our nation in civic mistrust since the middle of Bill Clinton’s first term.  I feel powerful, but unseen waves gathering beneath my feet, with the potential to carry this nation toward a phenomenal breakthrough.

After listening to Barack Obama’s Democratic nomination acceptance speech, I feel a vote for the Democratic party in November will be a vote for something larger than political positioning.  For the first since I have gained voting rights, I feel I am voting to make the dream of a united America POSSIBLE, rather than simply voting to put another man in the White House to enjoy the challenges and privileges of being the most powerful leader on Earth.

I say none of this to discredit others’ perspectives.  My more-conservative — and more-liberal — friends are welcome to disagree.  I may even alter my position after hearing whether McCain has fresh new ideas to unite these American states and regain global respect.

But for now, for the first time in my life, I listened to a political speech and walked away feeling like all my dreams and aspirations — even some I never thought possible — are indeed attainable.  I have more hope than ever, without exaggerating or being naive about the costs of attaining it, that racial strife can be dismantled, people of color — on Obama’s record of being a fair president — can finally attain that universal status as equal citizens rather than only enjoying that “privilege” where enlightened minds exist, or where we are “fine as long as there aren’t too many of us,” or “as long as we fit a comfortable mold the majority can understand well.”

I see the opportunity for people to truly be judged by the content of their character.  We are not there yet, but I finally see King’s dream as a possibility.  A real possibility.  If we can embrace the change and the challenge and hard work of realizing the enormous potential of a truly united America.

I like this fresh air, and hope to enjoy it for years to come.  I love this possibility.  I love this America.  I hope to live there one day.